Beatriz Oliveira

CEO & Founder @ BindTuning

An entrepreneur, speaker, and visionary in the web design industry, Beatriz Oliveira is the founder and CEO of BindTuning, one of the leading platforms for building connected and engaging workplaces for Microsoft Office 365 and SharePoint. In the last 10 years Beatriz has been a speaker in international events in several countries and has been putting her technical and design expertise to the service of developing groundbreaking UX solutions for Microsoft technologies. She is actively involved in STEM education for youth, hosting monthly coding events for children in the BindTuning offices. She is also an ardent supporter of women in technology. Beatriz is currently the President of the Portuguese IAMCP chapter, and an advisor to the council of ESMAD university. A Microsoft Regional Director, Microsoft Office Development MVP and Certified Professional (MCP), Beatriz is a wife and mother of two daughters.

Beatriz Oliveira

CEO & Founder @ BindTuning

An entrepreneur, speaker, and visionary in the web design industry, Beatriz Oliveira is the founder and CEO of BindTuning, one of the leading platforms for building connected and engaging workplaces for Microsoft Office 365 and SharePoint. In the last 10 years Beatriz has been a speaker in international events in several countries and has been putting her technical and design expertise to the service of developing groundbreaking UX solutions for Microsoft technologies. She is actively involved in STEM education for youth, hosting monthly coding events for children in the BindTuning offices. She is also an ardent supporter of women in technology. Beatriz is currently the President of the Portuguese IAMCP chapter, and an advisor to the council of ESMAD university. A Microsoft Regional Director, Microsoft Office Development MVP and Certified Professional (MCP), Beatriz is a wife and mother of two daughters.

Palestra: The Lean Startup

Dia 1
28 Outubro

Achas que tens uma ideia inovadora e gostavas de criar a tua própria empresa? O conceito de “Lean Startup” explora como os empreendedores de hoje usam a inovação contínua no processo de criação de negócios de sucesso. Durante esta sessão vamos abordar todos os aspetos associados à criação de startups “lean”, desde a alocação eficiente de recursos, à iteração contínua de aprendizagem, testes e desenvolvimento.

15h30 B032