Tiago Marques

Software Architect and Team Lead @ Quoscient GmbH

Long-time sports fan and puzzle lover, I come from a Business background where I got to understand the meaning of Value. A concept that has proved to be crucial in my professional career in Software Engineering. I have always worked in the startup world and the projects I work in usually focus on complex Analytics. Data Science and Cyber Security aficionado and, above all, husband and dad.

Tiago Marques

Software Architect and Team Lead @ Quoscient GmbH

Long-time sports fan and puzzle lover, I come from a Business background where I got to understand the meaning of Value. A concept that has proved to be crucial in my professional career in Software Engineering. I have always worked in the startup world and the projects I work in usually focus on complex Analytics. Data Science and Cyber Security aficionado and, above all, husband and dad.

Palestra: Golden Chickens - Uncovering a Malware as a Service

Dia 3
30 Outubro

In this talk, I will present an overview of the Malware as a Service (MaaS) environment and show how a major player in this market operates. I will also uncover some threat actors, clients of MaaS providers, that perform cyber attacks on a global scale.

17h20 B032